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5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
5in1 Montessori Climbing Set: Triangle Ladder + Climbing Arch + Slide Board + Climbing Net + Art Addition - Goodevas
Montessori lezecká zostava 5 v 1: Trojuholníkový rebrík + Lezecký oblúk + Šmýkačka + Lezecká sieť + Umelecký doplnok

Montessori lezecká zostava 5 v 1: Trojuholníkový rebrík + Lezecký oblúk + Šmýkačka + Lezecká sieť + Umelecký doplnok

Regular price €239,00
Regular price €315,00 Sale price €239,00
Save 24%
  • Eco-plywood with natural wood glue
  • Taxes & duties are included for the US, CA, UK and the EU Union
  • Free delivery within 2 to 5 days in the US and CA
  • Safe and certified product (CPC and CE)
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon

This product was easy to put together and my kids are already loving it. I have an almost four year old and and 8 month old. Both are enjoying it. We got all four pieces and it is so fun to change around and it really is versatile. The wood is solid and smooth. The pieces are really sturdy. I would buy this again!


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Product details

Predstavujeme lezeckú súpravu 5 v 1 – spojenie účelnej konštrukcie a Montessori metódy, ktorá kladie dôraz na fyzickú aktivitu pre holistický rozvoj dieťaťa. Táto všestranná zostava podporuje odvahu, koordináciu rúk s očami, svalovú silu, kontrolu rovnováhy a vycibrené motorické zručnosti. Táto viacúčelová zostava na hranie, určená pre deti vo veku od 1 do 6-7 rokov, poskytuje bezpečný a nápaditý priestor pre vaše dieťa na objavovanie a rast.

Rozmery a detaily

Trojuholníkový rebrík

Trojuholníkový rebrík funguje ako úvodný tréningový nástroj aj ako zábavná hračka. Vďaka svojej priestrannej úžitkovej ploche je vhodná pre neposedné deti a bez problémov pojme dve deti hrajúce sa súčasne.

Šmýkačka a lezecká rampa

Má dvojakú funkčnosť, jedna strana ponúka hladkú šmýkačku, zatiaľ čo druhá odhaľuje lezeckú rampu so 4 doskami, čo obohacuje zážitok dieťaťa o možnosti lezenia a šmýkania.

Lezecká sieť

Táto sieť, ktorá kombinuje silu prírodného dreva s jemným dotykom viac-vláknového polypropylénového povrazu, zaisťuje odolnosť bez kompromisov v oblasti bezpečnosti.

Lezecký oblúk

Vyrobený na viacúčelové použitie, pomáha batoľatám v počiatočných fázach státia. Ako rastú, zdvojnásobuje sa ako pokročilý lezecký nástroj alebo sa dá prevrátiť a vytvoriť tak jedinečnú balančnú dosku.

Umelecký doplnok

Táto umelecká základňa, ktorá hladko spája užitočnosť nastaviteľného stola s podstavcom, je viacúčelovým útočiskom pre malých umelcov. Či už kreslíte, píšete, pozeráte rozprávky alebo sa hráte, tento nástavec sa prispôsobí potrebám vášho dieťaťa.

Odomknite svet kreativity, rastu a radosti s lezeckou zostavou 5 v 1. Nadčasová investícia do holistického rozvoja vášho dieťaťa!

Trojuholníkový rebrík

  • Veľkosť: 87,5×58,6 cm
  • Hmotnosť: 9 kg

Šmýkačka a lezecká rampa

  • Veľkosť: 104 x 37 cm
  • Hmotnosť: 4,6 kg

Lezecký oblúk

  • Veľkosť: 93,5 x 52 cm
  • Hmotnosť: 6,01 kg

Lezecká sieť

  • Veľkosť: 93,6 x 42 cm
  • Hmotnosť: 2,6 kg

Umelecký doplnok

  • Veľkosť: 47 x 54 cm
  • Hmotnosť: 4,8 kg

Every piece of this set stems from eco-friendly Latvian birch plywood and linden soft hardwood, emphasizing durability and elegance. Our meticulous sanding and polishing processes result in a splinter-free finish, prioritizing your child's safety. By integrating our signature blend of oils and waxes, we ensure the set's compatibility for indoor and controlled outdoor adventures, although it's advisable to keep it away from high humidity or extreme temperatures.

We provide detailed, easy-to-follow instructions to make assembling our sets a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family.
In the attached file, you'll find step-by-step instructions

For additional support, we've also included a link to a video tutorial to make building together even more enjoyable.
1. Triangle ladder assembly
2. Arch assembly
3. Slide assembly
4. Net assembly

  • <p><strong>Safe and Certified Product (CPC and CE)</strong></p>

    Safe and Certified Product (CPC and CE)

    Our products are proudly PC and CE certified, meeting stringent standards for consumer safety and compliance

  • <p><strong>2-Year Warranty</strong></p>

    2-Year Warranty

    Our warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials under regular, indoor us

  • <p>Enjoy fast and reliable shipping worldwide</p>

    Enjoy fast and reliable shipping worldwide

    We insure all the packages we fulfill, so you don't have to worry about anything happening to your package

Goodevas Quality vs Others




Strong birch plywood with pine-based glue
Fragile poplar plywood using formaldehyde-based glue
Each part is hand-sanded
A variety of sets + many add-ons
Only classic sets (no add-ons or nets)
Since 2020, over 50k transactions
New companies
Covered by natural oil
Coated with varnish or paint


We use high-quality, eco-friendly materials and a thoughtfully designed structure focused on children’s safety and development. Only birch plywood is used in our products, which is 30-40% stronger than poplar plywood. Our production follows European standards, which contributes to the overall cost.

Currently, this isn't possible, but you can explore our video reviews, customer photos, and detailed product specifications. We also share customer feedback to help you get a clearer understanding of the product.

Our products are designed to capture children’s interest with functionality and a development-oriented design. If the product doesn’t meet your needs, we offer a convenient return policy—just contact us to arrange a return.

Yes, our products are certified to meet international safety standards, including CPC and CE certifications. We pay close attention to using safe materials and conducting rigorous quality control.

We understand that purchasing from a new brand may raise questions. Our company has been in business since 2020, with over 50,000 positive reviews on our website, Amazon, and Etsy, which reflect the trustworthiness of our brand and products.

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