

Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small House Bed For Kids and Toddlers from 2 y.o. (EU Size 190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small Wooden Montessori House Floor Bed with Fence and Roof for Kids (190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Small Wooden Montessori House Floor Bed with Fence and Roof for Kids (190x90 cm) - Goodevas
Drevená Montessori podlahová posteľ s domčekom a ohrádkou pre deti

Drevená Montessori podlahová posteľ s domčekom a ohrádkou pre deti

Príslušenstvo k posteli
Regular price €199,00
Regular price €260,00 Sale price €199,00
Save 23%
  • Made of natural ash and beech hardwood
  • Taxes & duties are included for the US, CA, UK and the EU Union
  • Safe and certified product (CPC and CE)
  • Fast and reliable shipping worldwide
  • Low stock - 9 items left
  • Backordered, shipping soon

“I couldn’t be happier with my experience at this shop! The Montessori bed we purchased for our daughter is beautiful, sturdy, and well-crafted—exactly as described. Shipping was quick, and the bed was easy to assemble, making the whole process smooth and enjoyable. Highly recommend this shop for quality Montessori furniture and excellent customer service!”


Your Happy Moments

Product details

Malá posteľ s domčekom (posteľ s domčekom) (Montessori posteľ) (veľkosť EÚ) sa výborne hodí pre deti vo veku od dvoch rokov. Je navrhnutá tak, že veľká ohrádka s podlahovým rámom z nej robí nielen pohodlné miesto na spanie, ale aj pohodlný priestor na hranie. Vaše deti sa budú cítiť chránené a vďaka Montessori princípom si rozvinú aj vlastnú nezávislosť a motoriku. Posteľ je vyrobená z dreva a dá sa ľahko poskladať; má robustnú konštrukciu a minimálny počet skrutiek, ktoré poskytujú dodatočnú bezpečnosť pre vaše dieťa.

Podlahové postele Goodevas pre deti, inšpirované konceptom Montessori, umožňujú vášmu dieťaťu cítiť sa pohodlne a bezpečne vo svojom vlastnom priestore. Tieto postele umiestnené na podlahe umožňujú dieťaťu ľahko vchádzať a vychádzať, čo prispieva k rozvoju motorických zručností a nezávislosti. Znížená výška tejto postele minimalizuje riziko úrazov pri páde a dáva vám pocit, že vaše dieťa je v bezpečí.

Výhody Montessori postele

  1. Mobilita dieťaťa. Postele sú umiestnené na podlahe, vďaka čomu sa dieťa môže ľahko dostať dnu aj von.

  2. Rozvoj motorických zručností. Postele podporujú rozvoj motorických schopností a samostatnosti, keďže sa dieťa môže samostatne pohybovať.

  3. Bezpečnosť. Znížená výška tohto lôžka umožňuje zabrániť úrazu spôsobenému pádom.

  1. Kultivuje nezávislosť. Montessori princípy stimulujú samostatnosť a podporujú podporu samostatného spánku a aktivity v detstve.

Hlavné výhody tejto postele

  1. Jednoduchá montáž: dodatočne je k dispozícii video-návod.
  2. Pevná konštrukcia: minimálne množstvo skrutiek vďaka pevnej konštrukcii.
  3. Bonus: všetky postele sú vybavené baldachýnom (tyl 3,3 m + dve kravaty po 100 cm).
  4. Navyše: môžete si kúpiť aj nárazník, aby sa vaše dieťa cítilo pohodlne a chránené.


  • Poznámka: Matrac nie je súčasťou zostavy!
  • Poznámka: Nárazníky nie sú súčasťou zostavy!

Posteľ: 198 x 98 x 140 cm

Veľkosť matraca: 190 x 90 cm (matrac nie je súčasťou)

Veľkosť bočníc: 80 x 15 cm, 3 ks (bočnice nie sú súčasťou)

  • The bed is made of premium hardwood (ash + beech)
  • The bumpers are made of cotton + holofiber.

The bed is made of wood and can be easily assembled; it has a robust construction and minimal quantity of screws which provide the additional safety for your child.

We provide detailed, easy-to-follow instructions to make assembling our sets a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family. In the attached file, you'll find step-by-step instructions:
Montessori Floor Bed

House Bed

Small House Bed

  • <p><strong>Safe and Certified Product (CPC and CE)</strong></p>

    Safe and Certified Product (CPC and CE)

    Our products are proudly PC and CE certified, meeting stringent standards for consumer safety and compliance

  • <p><strong>2-Year Warranty</strong></p>

    2-Year Warranty

    Our warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials under regular, indoor us

  • <p>Enjoy fast and reliable shipping worldwide</p>

    Enjoy fast and reliable shipping worldwide

    We insure all the packages we fulfill, so you don't have to worry about anything happening to your package

Goodevas Quality vs Others




Made of natural ash and beech hardwood
Often use low-quality wood and formaldehyde-based glue
Minimal screws for added safety
Excessive screws and joints can pose risks
Optional bumper for extra comfort + free canopies for beds
Limited or no additional features included
Since 2020, over 50k transactions
New companies
Covered by natural oil
Coated with varnish or paint


We use high-quality, eco-friendly materials and a thoughtfully designed structure focused on children’s safety and development. Only birch plywood is used in our products, which is 30-40% stronger than poplar plywood. Our production follows European standards, which contributes to the overall cost.

Currently, this isn't possible, but you can explore our video reviews, customer photos, and detailed product specifications. We also share customer feedback to help you get a clearer understanding of the product.

Our products are designed to capture children’s interest with functionality and a development-oriented design. If the product doesn’t meet your needs, we offer a convenient return policy—just contact us to arrange a return.

Yes, our products are certified to meet international safety standards, including CPC and CE certifications. We pay close attention to using safe materials and conducting rigorous quality control.

We understand that purchasing from a new brand may raise questions. Our company has been in business since 2020, with over 50,000 positive reviews on our website, Amazon, and Etsy, which reflect the trustworthiness of our brand and products.

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